Build Your Life Plan: PART 1 (Values & Vision)


With every end of one year and beginning of another, folks create a list of New Year’s Resolutions. Typically the list includes things like losing weight, getting organized, making more time for family, finding a new job, etc. We start out the year full of fervor towards reaching our goals, only to fall off the wagon in less than two months time. Downtrodden by our failure, we simply give up, vowing that NEXT year we will get our act together.

The problem is that we don’t have a Life Plan by which we align these goals. Successful businesses and teams have Strategic Plans that go 5-10 years in the future, and yet, we feel that we can be successful at life by simply “winging it”. But what if you had a plan – ON PAPER – that casts a vision for the future of your LIFE 5-10 years down the road? How would that change your goals and how you choose to spend your time?

The thought of creating such a Life Plan is so overwhelming to most that they don’t even know where to start – and so they don’t. The reality is that it isn’t that difficult, and it only requires a few simple steps. The hardest part is spending some time of reflection with yourself (and/or your partner and family) to be honest about what it is that you want out of life, what values are truly important to you, and whether or not the actions in your life are aligned with both of of those pieces.

So in Part 1 of this 2-part series, we start with Vision and Values:

  1. Brainstorm Your Values.
    On a piece of paper, brainstorm your values. What things matter most to you? Is it family? Is it career? Is it religion? Is it kindness and volunteer work? Is it education? Make a list of those values which you hold near and dear to your heart.
  2. Define Your Character.
    Out of all that you listed, circle the top 3-5 values – the ones that are most important to you, the ones that define who you are and how you live life. Now set them aside.
  3. Brainstorm Your Vision.
    On a separate sheet of paper, brainstorm your vision. What do you want to accomplish in your life? Make a list of all of your hopes, dreams, goals, and aspirations. Don’t worry about the how or why – it doesn’t have to make logical sense right now. But if all the stars would align and you could accomplish these things, what would you do with your life?
  4. Define Your Vision.
    Out of all the things you listed, circle the top 3-5 goals. Use this rule of thumb: when you die, for what do you want people to remember you? In other words, what legacy do you want to leave behind? How will you make your mark in this world?

Now that you have a list of your top Values and your Vision, put them side-by-side and check that your Values and Vision are in alignment. In other words, if you value Volunteer or Charity work, does your Vision/Legacy include an accomplishment where Volunteer Work plays a role? If you value Family, do your goals include a career path that will honor your family time?

If your Values and Vision are aligned, GREAT! You are off to a fantastic start. However, if (like most people) your Values and Vision are NOT aligned, why not? Are you doing yourself a disservice by running after goals that are not aligned with the Values that you hold near and dear? What kind of conflict does this create in your life – or your relationships? Spend time in reflection on these two pieces to ensure that your Values and Vision are in alignment. If not, start analyzing how you can make changes in your life to bring them into alignment.

In Part 2, we will look at putting it all together and crafting your Life Plan. But foundational to that plan is alignment of Values and Vision. You’ve got some work to do!

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